Sunday, July 13, 2014

A morning in the church

Today we got up super early to attend the church that Julian attends! It's a church similar to the non-denominational church's back home. Except for a couple things; girls had to wear long skirts, sleeves, and some sort of scarf or headband in our hair, which represented something and showed respect. (Scarfs are for married women and headbands for single ladies) we also had to wear closed toes shoes. 

Now about the service: it was a very long service. It was around 2.5 hours in length, with rotations of the preacher speaking, worship, and guests speaking. The preacher was very pationate about God. He would start out in a low voice, move to yelling with aggressive hand motions, and then down to a whisper. He was great! Then some of the romanins that we're staying with spoke as well. And also our Sharon Gelnett and Charlie Ridenour and Chantel Bedlington got to speak a sermon or share their testimony or say thank you. It was amazing getting to see the people from our church, speak at a Romanian church and have great response from the Romanians! Then towards the end all of us missionaries went up on stage and sung amazing grace for the people! They loved it! (Or so it seemed) but all in all, it was an amazing service, and they already invited up back next week! (Even though we'll be back in America) 

Then coming home we got to drive through the town of Târgoviște and site see a little! Even getting to see one of Dracula's castles and tons of 400+ year old churches! 

It's been a great day so far! And now we get to sit down with a Romanian councilors/translators and get to know them while teaching them our crafts for the kids! And, of course, we're going to watch the World Cup final tonight! 
The church. 
Sharon expressing her gratitude to the Romanians. 
Charlie preaching. 
Chantel giving her testimony. 
Some of us ladies with 2 beautiful and loving Romanian woman who attened this church. 
A beautiful view of mountains on the road towards Târgoviște. 
One of Dracula's castles. 
Some homes in Târgoviște. 

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