Today we had girls go swimming and boys do crafts. We also had a banquet for all the kids! We all got to dress up in nice pretty clothes and get asked out by little boys to be their dates to a nice dinner! Most of everyone had dates! It was so cute! And it was so cute to see all the little kids all dressed up! We also had an award ceremony for the kids! It was awesome!! And a talent show in the morning! We had great singers, a unicycler, bible verse reciters and more!
It will be very hard to see these kids leave tomorrow. We had no idea how much we've impacted these kids. I know at least for myself, that I'm attached to them and will cry when they're leaving. Even though these kids are trouble makers, they have impacted our lives so much and we will always be family. We all will never forget these kids and they won't ever forget this week at camp when they got to hang out with a bunch if crazy Americans. Tomorrow will be tough, but through Christ we will be able to let them go and trust that God will keep a hold of them.